Sequent Repatterning Therapy – for Misophonia
Sufferers of Misophonia experience strong, negative and uncontrollable emotional reactions, such as anxiety, anger and disgust, to certain everyday stimuli that have little or no impact on non- sufferers.
Misophonia stimuli are most commonly sounds and movements but may also be tactile, olfactory (smells) and gustatory (taste) in nature.
Common examples of these are the sounds of sniffing, breathing, chewing, specific speech sounds, cutlery on crockery, beeping and rustling noises, to name but a very few.
Visual cues are often repetitive in nature, such as foot swinging, tapping and hair twirling. Sometimes visual cues occur by association with the sounds, such as seeing people chew.
Often, family members are the biggest misophonia activators for a sufferer making family life very difficult in so many ways.
Life for a person with Misophonia can be extremely challenging and isolating, as they navigate each day trying to avoid the misophonia cues and subsequent intense reactions which can range from mildly anxiety provoking through to debilitating.
As I have a close family member with misophonia, I have a personal as well as professional interest in and many years of experience of both living and working with the condition.
I am qualified in Sequent Repatterning Therapy (SRT), a method proven to reduce the impact of misophonia for sufferers.
The sessions run weekly, over an 8-10 week period, and can be conducted in person or online.
Please get in touch directly with me for more information or have a look at the website below for more details on SRT.